
Pending Transaction Solutions

1)Inappropriate nonce:


  • Try to reset a appropriate value

  • If you have many pending transactions , please wait for earier transactions confirmed.

  • Metatask--setting-advanced--reset account

  • Metatask--setting--advanced--Customize transaction nonce :resend transaction with pending tx's nonce and higher gas price.

low gas price:

  • Set a higher gas price and resend

2) Meta Transaction

case 1:

invalid meta transaction FeePercent need 0-10000. Found:100001

illegal fee range, it should between 0-10000


metatask--setting--advanced--Customize transaction nonce :resend transaction with pending tx's nonce and higher gas price.
case 2:

err: expired meta transaction. current:2083222, need execute before 2075609

meta transation expired,it should be execute before 2075609, and the current height is 2083222;


metatask--setting--advanced--Customize transaction nonce :resend transaction with pending tx's nonce and higher gas price.

Last updated