Account Management

Wallet Account Management

Some interfaces that interact with the chain have been encapsulated by web3 to facilitate our DApp development. Via theses web3 encapsulated interfaces, we can use different languages to interact with KIC. This article elaborates on how to use JavaScript and Python to manage accounts on KIC through Web3.

Create instances of web3


Mostly, javascript uses databaseweb3.js to interact with KIC.

  • Connect to Mainnet

const w3 = new Web3("https://rpc.koisan-chain");
  • Connect to Testnet

const w3 = new Web3("https://testnet-rpc.koisan-chain");


Mostly, python uses packageWeb3.pyto interact with KIC.

  • Connect to Mainnet

from web3 import Web3
from web3.middleware import geth_poa_middleware
provider = Web3.HTTPProvider("https://rpc.koisan-chain")
w3 = Web3(provider)
w3.middleware_onion.inject(geth_poa_middleware, layer=0)
  • Connect to Testnet

from web3 import Web3
from web3.middleware import geth_poa_middleware
provider = Web3.HTTPProvider("https://testnet-rpc.koisan-chain")
w3 = Web3(provider)
w3.middleware_onion.inject(geth_poa_middleware, layer=0)

Create an Account

After instantiating web3, you can return a random account with the following call:


const account = w3.eth.accounts.create();
// print account
  address: '0x00DE048c92eF8D6FeC6275E1907E38798808005d',
  privateKey: '0xc2a58a08abcd566348a6d2798b0b074fc8b7b66a650a7aaf463e6d36b4b9776e',
  signTransaction: [Function: signTransaction],
  sign: [Function: sign],
  encrypt: [Function: encrypt]


account = w3.eth.account.create();
# print private key
# example: `0x9b308e83c8120818a721fc999618d8869da61c0b440386b963523bcb26fe9839'

# print address
# example: '0xC286d47ABE4C9B8B2F724610B9eb9e91D7a7De9A'

Recover Account Via Private Key

You can also recover your account on KIC directly through web3 if you have access to your private key.


const account = w3.eth.accounts.privateKeyToAccount("your private key string")


account = w3.eth.account.privateKeyToAccount("your private key string")

Last updated