
Remix is an online tool for contract development and deployment.

Firstly, go to Remix

In the left file browser, there are 3 folders under the example project default_workspace:

  • contracts:For contract file storage.

  • scripts:For script file storage.

  • tests:For test file storage.

We can refer to the sample project to create a new project.

Edit Contract

Click file, such as 1_Storage.sol, contents are editable on the right side.

Compile Contract

  1. Click the left button to switch to Compile interface;

  2. Set related compilation options;

  3. Click the compile button to compile.

If you need to compile another contract, you must switch back to the file browser, select a new contract, and then switch to Compile interface to compile.

Deploy Contract

To deploy a compiled contract on chain, a browser wallet plug-in is required. Taking MetaMask for instance:

Install MetaMask plug-in on browser, set network information, and save the above setting.

  • Mainnet

chainID: 312
symbol: KIC

Switch back to Remix interface.

  • Click the left button to switch to Deploy interface;

  • Select 'injected Web3' and allow MetaMask to provide the execution environment;

  • Click the deploy button.

The contract is ready to be deployed on chain once MetaMask is confirmed.


With the contract deployed successfully, the deployed contract can be viewed under Deployed Contracts. Open contract and click the button to invoke contract method.

The interaction with the contract differentiates between writing data and reading data: Writing data is called a transaction, while reading data is defined as a call.

  • Transactions: Fundamentally, it changes the state of the network. It can be a normal transaction, or a contract that is deployed or invoked. It takes gas to execute a transaction, and a certain amount of time for a transaction to be uploaded. Each transaction has a unique transaction hash.

  • Calls: It does not cost gas to execute the code on the network and just reads data.

In the figure below, the yellow button initiates a transaction and the blue button initiates a call.

Last updated